Indeed, Morriss considerations might have been taken verbatim from almost any tirade at the present time towards American schooling, particularly amid ever growing resistance exam standardized checking out and de personalized learning. The triumphing view is if academics focus an excessive amount of on college students exhilaration they will in some way be encouraging wanton self indulgence and unsafe hedonism, wrote University developmental psychologist and author Susan Engel in an essay earlier this year for University Atlantic. According exam Engel, who directs University Program in Teaching at Williams College, this triumphing view traces back examination top down directives that babies are examination study criteria and talents and self control, that structure and consistency are paramount:I have visited a few of University newer supposedly constructive colleges, where toddlers chant slogans so as examination learn self control, are given quizzes jelly bean once they do their worksheet, or must stand behind their desk after they cant sit still. When I go examination these faculties, all I can think of is Charles Dickens Hard Times, during which Wackford Squeers, University headmaster of quizzes school, says with great truth, Now, what I want is, Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life.