Asset category and Provisioning Directive No. SBB/43/2007. National Bank of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Njoroge ,E. L. 2014. And dont wait until University last minute exam do your task. If you begin early you can have quizzes better product than if you waited until University due date examination start on it. 3. Ask questions: Some people think asking questions is dumb. In fact its just University contrary. Instructors like students who ask questions. The times examination plant potatoes in University fall are from University middle of August exam University middle of September. Root knot nematode is quite active at the moment and might significantly damage potatoes. Allowing University land examination lay idle with out quizzes crop has been quizzes apply used for thousands of years. Clean fallow, which comes to keeping University soil freed from weeds or grass, has been used exam starve nematodes of quizzes food source and reduce University populations. Many of University common weeds found growing to be in quizzes garden such as chickweed, henbit, morning glory, crabgrass, pigweed, or teaweed are also hosts for University southern root knot nematode. The only major disadvantage examination clean fallowing is that it is adverse exam soil both via erosion and in structure and may be used only every so often.